Interview with Madoka Kitao

Inventor of Dobutsu Shogi, a version of shogi for children, founder of the store and publishing house Nekomado, Madoka Kitao has always distinguished herself during the course of her activity as a professional for her attention to the diffusion of shogi, obtaining excellent results even outside of Japan. AIS has interviewed her exclusively for you.

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Intervista AIS a Kitao Madoka

Inventrice del Dobutsu Shogi, una versione dello shogi per bambini, fondatrice dello store e casa editrice Nekomado, Madoka Kitao si è sempre distinta nel corso della sua attività da professionista per l’attenzione nei confronti della divulgazione dello shogi, ottenendo ottimi risultati anche fuori dal Giappone. L’AIS l’ha intervistata in esclusiva.

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The Tao of Chess and Shogi

The drop rule makes possible a great and unmentionable desire of every chess player: to place a piece on any square of your choice, perhaps even giving checkmate. Shogi can be seen as that version of chess which allows you to do this. Let’s see how.


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[News] Cancelled November: Ono no Tōfū Arena

To avoid the overlap of tournaments the Italian Shogi Association AIS has decided to cancel the next usual Blitz tournament on the first Thursday of the month on November will therefore be entirely dedicated to the AIS tournament “An Autumn of Lions”.

Per evitare sovrapposizioni l’AIS ha stabilito di cancellare l’usuale torneo blitz che tiene su il primo giovedì di ogni mese. Pertanto il mese di novembre ci vedrà concentrati sul solo torneo “Un autunno da leoni”

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