6月10・11日に第30回ドイツ将棋選手権がハンブルクのヨハネス・ブラームス記念館にてShogi Deutschlandの主催で開催されました。
トーナメントには7か国から計30名が参加し、 参加者のうち半数がFESAの段位が一段~四段ととてもハイレベルな戦いになりました。
最終結果は、優勝が西本氏(日本)、準優勝が渋谷氏(日本)、3位がShcheslionok Peter氏(先月ミラノで開催された第19回イタリア将棋選手権の覇者) となりました。
ドイツ国籍では最上位がBorysov Anton氏 (総合6位) 、そしてKruse Janik氏、Rövekamp Frank氏が続きました。
土曜日の午後には、対局後にShogi Deutschlandの臨時総会が開催され、Frischmuth Uwe氏が全会一致で新会長に選出されました。
On June 10th and 11th the 30th German Open Shogi Championship took place in Hamburg.
The tournament, organized by Shogi Deutschland, took place in a space within the city’s Johannes Brahms Conservatory.
The organization of the tournament envisaged an Open conducted over six rounds with the MacMahon system within which the German Championship was integrated.

Thirty players were present, of seven different nationalities. It was an event with an important number of high-level amateur players; exactly half of the participants had an Elo FESA grade between 1 and 4 Dan.

The final podium saw Nishimoto Kasey (JP) on the top step, second Shibutani Kazushi (JP) and third Shcheslionok Peter (winner of the XIX Italian Championship held in Milan last month).

The new German Champion is Borysov Anton (sixth in the general classification), followed by Kruse Janik and Rövekamp Frank.

Two notes of color: on Friday the Hamburg Shogi Club offered all participants who had the opportunity to be present a tourist tour of the city; On Saturday afternoon, after the last shift of the day, an extraordinary session of Shogi Deutschland took place in which the new president Frischmuth Uwe was unanimously elected.